Hello there!

Since you clicked on this page, you're probably looking to get to know more about me. If so, you've come to the right place!

I'll be adding to this page in a Q&A fashion, with all of my questions generated by my community. Feel free to email me with any (appropriate) questions you'd like to see answered!

Looking back on my life, I realize that I've always written as a way to experience life. Although this also applied to venting through writing (which I did very often), I primarily used writing as a way to create new experiences. If I wanted to go on a grand adventure or travel to another country, I'd simply write a story where - through my characters - I could do that. If I wanted to understand what being brave, or successful, or in love was like, I'd create a world where I was that. All I needed was a pencil, some paper, and my imagination.

Over the years, I have had more chances to experience things firsthand. So, although I still do write my life into being, I now use writing to explore topics that I want to comment on (and, sometimes, to just have fun - can you believe it?). I'm still honing my craft, but I hope that, eventually, my works can contribute to society in a positive way.

Why do you write?

What does being a writer/creator mean to you?

This one is tricky! Honestly, anyone can be a creator, but I think what really legitimizes someone in their field of creativity is 1) the quality of their work, and 2) the effort they put into their pursuits. For me, receiving formal training or being picked up by a traditional publisher/record label/etc isn't as important, especially nowadays, with how social media can empower creators to take charge of their own work and career.

But even with this personal definition, it's still hard to view myself as a real writer and singer, especially during periods when I don't have enough time or energy to really hone my craft. So, for now, being a writer and creator means doing my best to produce works that make me happy, and that others can (hopefully) enjoy.

I've always been a creative person, so my habit of crafting and writing things started when I was around three. I was very confident back then (I still am, but I'm a little more realistic now), so I always thought along the lines of, "This person wrote/drew/made this, so why can't I? It looks easy." Thus began my frustration with the difference between theory and reality.

Writing came most naturally for me, especially since I was an avid reader, but everything else was a struggle because - shocker - I actually had to learn and practice. It took me years to develop my hobbies into productive skills: stitching to sewing, screeching to singing, and scribbling to drawing, among others. I still have a ways to go for everything, including writing, but I'd say it's been a good first two decades!

How did you start pursuing your craft?

What is something you want the world to know about your work?

That my works aim to be intriguing! I want to build worlds and weave narratives that make you wonder and think, especially when it comes to the darkest aspects of our reality.

To achieve this, my stories are sometimes depressing; other times, they are innocent on the surface, but when you pay attention to what's going on, you realize they are extremely disturbing. I have to admit, it's very fun to mess with my readers every now and then.

When it comes to prose, I'm influenced by all the books and authors I've read (which is a LOT). However, some authors of note would be Betty Smith, Markus Zusak, Eoin Colfer, and Jane Austen. The main thread tying them all together is their ability to write about different life experiences, no matter how dark, with a touch of humor and empathy.

In terms of songwriting: I have two main influences: Michael Franks and Mariah Carey. Again, their sense of humor is amazing, but they also have a talent for using on-point cultural references, amazing vocabulary, poetic lyricism, and intricate melodies. Not to mention I could listen to their songs all day!

Who are your influences?

What are your biggest aspirations?

I have to divvy this up into three parts: writing, music, and career.

For my writing, my biggest aspirations are to publish several novels and poetry collections, some through self-publishing and some through traditional publishing. I'd also love to create a comic series and an interactive fiction game, both of which would ideally take off!

I'm an indie artist, so I don't expect to ever have as much recognition as mainstream artists backed by big record labels, but I would love it if I could grow a small, dedicated fanbase! I'm also hoping' to professionally record and release all of my albums in a few years' time.

Finally, for my career, I plan to specialize in environmental science and work for environmentally focused NGOs and companies. After I gain enough experience, I want to start a business that produces affordable, long-lasting products that make it easy for ANYONE to live sustainably - even on a budget! If we want to save our world for the next generation, we need sustainability to be accessible to everyone, and current products and pricetags often don't allow for that.

When I'm not working or studying (aka "workwork"), I typically write, sing, and create (aka "funwork").

When I'm not doing funwork, I do more casual hobbies, like sewing, reading, and crafting small gifts for friends - which usually involves a lot of origami. And of course, I hangout and chat with my friends, who are my amazing support system.

What do you do when you’re not working?

How do you manage your time?

I...am not sure. My scheduling style is very loosely outlined, so I usually just allot days to do certain things, rather than scheduling strict time periods. As long as I can get work/homework done by the deadline, all is good.

For personal projects, the timelines are even less strict since creations take a while to perfect. If I wasn't so eager to show my works to friends, I'd probably never get anything done!

The key is just knowing when you want/need to get things done by, then making sure you have enough time before then. Pacing is the most important for me because I don't like cramming or stressing. Consistency is also key, but I only really apply that to my exercising HAHA.